Cat Repellent and Cat Deterrent Advice

You spend a lot of time keeping your garden – particularly your lawn – looking its best, so there’s nothing more frustrating than the neighbourhood cats digging it up or, even worse, using it as a toilet. Once they have used your garden as their litter tray, it’s often difficult to deter them from using it time and again.

cat in garden

As well as considerable health implications, cat faeces is unsightly to look at and unpleasant to smell. Treat the problem with an effective cat deterrent and your lawn will be back to its best in no time, leaving you free to enjoy your outdoor space.

Why use a cat deterrent?


Watching and waiting to catch a cat in the act of fouling in your garden is time consuming and frustrating, to say the least. Using a specially designed cat deterrent device will save time, plus it will work at any time of the day or night. It will also teach the cat to avoid your garden permanently.

Human health

Cat faeces contains parasites that can be harmful to humans, particularly young children and pregnant women. These parasites – in particular a type called ‘toxoplasm gondii’ – can cause muscle pain and flu-like symptoms if humans come into contact with them.

Plant health

Contrary to popular belief, cat faeces is not a good fertiliser. In fact, it can actually be harmful to your plants, trees and shrubbery. Clear any cat faeces from your garden as soon as you’re able.

Types of Cat Repellent Products

There are many options to choose from when seeking to keep cats away from your garden. Some people prefer to use natural methods, whilst others find specialist deterrent devices more effective.

You may need to try several methods before you find the one which works for you, but it is worth persevering in order to achieve a cat-free garden.

Sound repellent devices

Sound repellent devices are one of the most effective ways to keep cats away from your garden. They emit a high pitched sound, undetectable to human ears, which is off-putting to cats and other animals such as foxes.

Sound devices are activated by an infrared sensor, which detects any movement. The repelling sound is then triggered, causing the cat to avoid your garden.

Effective and efficient, sound repellent devices are available as either solar or battery powered.

A solar powered cat repellent device is ideal for sunny gardens, which have lots of natural light. While you won’t have to worry about replacing a battery, the sensor won’t be activated if it hasn’t received sufficient sunlight. Ensure you position the sensor in a clear position in your garden, avoiding any shady areas.

A battery powered cat repellent device is often problematic. The sound emitted is too high pitched for humans to hear, so if the device doesn’t have a battery power indicator, it will be difficult to determine if it is working. If this is your preferred deterrent, it’s worth spending a little more for a device with a batter power indicator, so you can quickly and easily determine if the battery has run out.

Wall spikes

Sharp to touch but harmless to animals, wall spikes are an ideal way of deterring cats from entering your garden.

Available in a choice of colours to blend in with your garden walls or fences, these plastic spikes are uncomfortable to a cat’s feet, preventing them from walking across your boundary.

Deterrent spray

Cat deterrent spray is favoured by many as an effective means of deterring cats, while other home owners cannot bear the strong smell of aluminium sulphate. A cost effective option, one bottle of cat repellent spray should be sufficient to cover an average sized garden for a year.

It’s worth bearing in mind that while some cats are deterred by a spray, others are simply not bothered and will continue to use your garden as a litter tray, so an element of trial and error may be necessary in order to find the right spray.

Water Jet Spray

A water jet spray is a chemical-free means of keeping cats away from your garden. The motion-activated water spray device fits to your hose, propelling a jet of water once movement is detected.

Ideal for small and large gardens alike, the spray is typically effective up to a distance of 10 metres.


Biodegradable cat repellent crystals or granules are designed to prevent cats fouling in your garden, whilst also deterring them from digging or scratching your lawn.

Chicken wire

Chicken wire is a natural, effective means of keeping cats away from your garden. Cats dislike walking on this wire, so it’s often effective to place it in those areas of your lawn that the cats keep going back to.


If you prefer a natural means of keeping cats away from your lawn, consider using pepper. This kitchen cupboard staple is believed to deter cats due to its spiciness.

Shaking pepper such as cayenne on any areas of your garden where cats are visiting should be enough to deter them from returning. If the problem persists, the cat is likely to be immune the pepper, so you may need to investigate other options.

Citrus peel

Fresh orange or lemon peel is unappealing to cats and, when scattered over your flowerbeds, should prevent cats using them as a litter tray. Citrus scented spray will work in a similar way if fresh peel is not a viable option.


Planted or scattered in your garden, herbs such as rue, rosemary, lavender and lemon balm are all repellent to cats as they dislike the scent. If you prefer natural, chemical-free ways of keeping cats away from your garden, these are an ideal means of doing so.

Coffee, tobacco and vinegar

Strong scents deter cats, so coffee grounds, fresh tobacco or vinegar sprinkled through your garden may keep them away. Natural citronella and lemongrass also work well as natural deterrents, thanks to their distinctive fragrance.
